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Posts Tagged ‘AIFMD’

AIFMD: As the Dust Settles, What is the True Impact of AIFMD?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) came into effect in July 2014 and has brought major changes for the regulation and distribution of funds in Europe. Centaur looks at some predictions from July 2014 and sees how many of them have turned out to be valid. We analyse the biggest hurdles that managers…

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Ronan Daly Discusses the Impact of AIFMD with Albourne TV

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=”” sid=”” padding=”medium” vpadding=”medium” color_scheme=”” section_type=”” sp_top=”0″ sp_bottom=”0″ enable_border=”” enable_bottom_border=”” bg_type=”image” equal_height=”” background_style=”stretch” fixed_bg=”no” enable_parallax=”no” height=”content” video_ratio=”” bg_overlay=”” bg_overlay_color=”” bg_overlay_opacity=”0.4″ bg_overlay_dot=”no” enable_triangle=”” triangle_color=”” triangle_location=”top”][vc_column width=”1/1″ p_top=”0″ p_bottom=”0″ p_left=”0″ p_right=”0″ color_scheme=”” bg_overlay=”” bg_overlay_color=”” bg_overlay_opacity=”0.4″ text_align=”none”][vc_column_text] 5th August 2015 [/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=”20″ hide_under=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=”” sid=”” padding=”medium” vpadding=”medium” color_scheme=”” section_type=”” sp_top=”0″ sp_bottom=”0″ enable_border=”” enable_bottom_border=””…

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Contract Terms From Administrators Are Under The Spotlight

9th December 2014 Centaur believes that the core function of a fund administrator is to partner with fund managers in providing investors with the security and transparency they need. Fundamental to this is Accountability. Recently, the industry has seen many Administrators move their contractual goal posts. This has created a tipping point for Fund Stakeholders…

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Demand Has Surged For Fund Administrators To Supply Data Required For ANNEX IV Reporting

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 6th November 2014 Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) are spending valuable time collating considerable amounts of data from multiple sources as they get their first Annex IV submissions ready on time. Fund Administrators are relieving this burden by delivering the data to managers consistently and accurately. AIFMs are in a race to meet the…

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Investigating the AIFMD’s External Valuer Role

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 29th July 2014 The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) came into full force on 22 July 2014. One of the many significant provisions contained within the AIFMD regulations is the requirement that the valuation function for funds must now either be performed by the investment manager itself or alternatively performed by an external…

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Centaur Leads the Way with Its Suite of AIFMD Services

Dublin, 8th July 2014 As the 22nd July deadline looms for EU Fund Managers to comply with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), there is an urgency to get over the finish line. Centaur’s AIFMD services have been successfully approved and adopted by clients and third parties, in preparation for the AIFMD deadline and…

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Centaur establishes independent business to provide Depo-Lite Services for AIFMD

26th September 2013 Centaur establishes independent business to provide oversight and cash flow monitoring services for AIFMD. Centaur Financial Limited (“CFL”) has been launched to provide independent depositary lite services for managers of non-EU domiciled alternative investment funds. CFL is an independent company, established in Ireland, to help fund managers deal with the complex provisions…

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Centaur launches the Centaur Client Club

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 22 November 2012 We launched the Centaur Client Club in London in late November 2012. This is an informal discussion group for our clients where we get to chat through some of the key issues facing the industry with the help of leading industry experts. The Club also allows our clients to network with…

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