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Posts Tagged ‘Hedge Fund’

Eurohedge speaks to the team at Centaur

Experienced hedge fund administrators Ronan Daly, Karen Malone and Eric Bertrand have gone live with their new independent fund administration operation at a time of sweeping change in the fund services industry Dublin-based Centaur Fund Services started in January with a handful of established hedge fund manager clients – including London-based Oxburgh Partners – and…

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Can Your Administrator Damage Your Fund’s Relationship With Investors?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Although a lot of the emphasis in administration circles is put on NAV reporting and valuation, another key aspect of administration servicing is that of investor services. In my experience though, investor services for many administrators is an afterthought rather than a core service that adds value to funds and investors. The fundamental reason…

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Hedge Fund Managers Accuse Administrators Of Washing Their Hands Over Asset Valuations

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This summer we commissioned a survey to find out what hedge fund managers thought about their fund administration. The results revealed that an alarming number of the hedge fund managers surveyed, are unhappy with the position many administrators are now taking over the valuation of fund assets. In survey results released this week, the…

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